Thursday, March 24, 2011


Yesterday we started the day off in the canoes with the boys. We had two of the boys screaming as the canoes were going out, "take me back....I'm serious....I don't want to go!" They don't know how to swim, even though they were wearing a life jacket, they thought they were going to drown. By the time they had been in the boat 2 minutes, they started paddling and were having a blast! Both my kids learned how to swim by the time they were 2 years old. I just thought, these kids didn't have someone to teach them that. Maybe they will know how to swim by the end of summer. After that we went on a hike. There was a trail through the woods and it was a 2 1/2 mile hike. I am proud to say that it only took us 45 minutes to complete it. One of the boys ran ahead of us on the hike and would leave us messages on the trial. His name is Payton. We would go a little ways and see something written in the dirt that said; P-went this way. And it would have an arrow pointing in the direction we were supposed to go. We went a little further and seen a stick on the trial. It had been broken up into several pieces and was placed in the shape of an arrow pointing in the direction we were supposed to go. There were several messages on the way that he left for us. When we got to the end of the trail and was working our way out of the woods, there was a message written in the dirt that said; 'I have been found. Love, Payton'. It was fun and the guys had a great time on the hike. It was so much fun to get them out of their element for a while and just let them act silly. Gary and  I enjoyed that as much as they did. We played football, soccer and baseball then grilled burgers. Some of the guys went fishing but they didn't catch anything. It didn't matter though. We had an awesome day. God had blessed us with a beautiful day and we were sure thankful for that! God bless you and we hope you enjoy this beautiful day as well.

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