Monday, March 28, 2011


I know most people dislike Monday's. But today try thanking God for everything he has done for you. It's a good thing that God doesn't dislike Monday's. Could you imagine if God said he won't hear prayers on Monday's? He won't heal the sick on Monday's,  perform miracles on Monday's or oh, 'not today my child, I don't do Monday's. I'm going back to bed'. We have a God that listens and hears, performs and heals 24/7. He never stops not for one second, working in our lives. So thank you Lord for today and all Monday's! Today, on Monday, I will start a whole fresh week and try to clean up the mess I made of my life last week. This Monday will give me another chance to witness to that person that is lost and this Monday will give me another day to serve you Lord. So thank our Awesome God for giving us Monday's......and hopefully many more Monday's to come. God bless you and I hope you have a great Monday!

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