Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Our precious friends just finished their last day as house parents at ABC Homes. They have been an inspiration to children for 16 years. Can you imagine giving 16 years of your life dedicated to kayos and kids running in and out all day every minute?? They did and they loved it. We had a great retirement party with them and some wonderful people showed up to let them them how much they appreciate what they have stood for. It was truly amazing. The average time for being a house parent is 2 years and they were here for 16 years. That says a lot! I have only known them for 5 months but I have really come to love them. They have been great for Gary and me to talk to and have been a great mentors for us. They are so wise to the ministry and so understanding with the kids. We love you Mr. Floyd and Mrs. Jane and we wish you the best in your future. Slow down now, enjoy the quiet and enjoy being with each other. Spend extra time with God and remember us little people when you are out having a great time. We love you dearly and we will miss you more than you will ever know.
Love, Gary and Denise

Enjoy your time with one another. We will keep you in our prayers as you search for what God has planned for you next.......even if it is sitting on the beach reading his word.

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