Sunday, March 27, 2011


I brought a sick one home early from church today. Please just pray for him and all the kids. There is so much stuff going around. Also please pray for me. God is taking me out of my comfort zone and having me speak in front of church next week. I'm not very good at speaking in front of a people, so please keep me on your prayer list, as well. Hope you all have a wonderful day with the Lord today. God bless you!

When the guy's came home from church today, I found out that one of them got saved. Yea! We had a new kid come to ABC Homes about 3-4 weeks ago. Since he came here, one of our newest Christians in the cottage has been witnessing to him. Amazing! He has been witnessing to him through the weeks and last night he led him to the Lord! Today the young man went up in front of the church and told the preacher that he had asked God into his heart! When I asked the guy that led him to the Lord why he didn't tell us, he said; 'Because I didn't want to take credit for it. God did it.' I am so proud of this kid. He is truly living his life for God and wants to make sure his friends go to heaven with him. What a great kid and witness for the Lord. God has great plans for this young man. And I am so glad he has allowed me to be a part of his life.

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