Monday, March 7, 2011

My mom had her tests ran today. Her Colonoscopy came back fine. Her EGD revealed a bacteria infection in her stomach. They are going to biopsy the bacteria to see how it comes back. They did an ultrasound of her gallbladder and lower abdomen. We have not gotten those results back yet, but we are expecting every thing to come back fine. Thank you for the prayers. We are praising God that she is well. On the other hand, Gary had a hard time with the boys while I was gone. He said Ethan would not get up and he could not get him to get dressed. One of the boys was giving him a hard time and one of the other boys missed the bus! I said; Well, its nice to know you can't live without me. :) He was a little frustrated this morning but he was moving through. I don't think he enjoyed being a single daddy, if only for one day. :) It's nice to know that your needed. I love you all and appreciate your prayers and concern. I hope you have a great day. God bless you!

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