Friday, December 17, 2010



Guess what? 8 days till Christmas! I needed someone to tell you that, right? Ethan is so excited he can't hardly wait. I am a little excited for him too. He has been a little upset because all the kids here got "all their Christmas presents" and he has had to wait. I told him good things come to those who wait. Try telling that to a 7 year old  some time. It doesn't go over well. Tomorrow we are going with some of the kids to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. We can't wait! It is going to be so much fun. I have never seen it and I sure am looking forward to it.  Gary and Ethan are in the gym right now playing basketball with  a new kid to the program. The new guy seems to be adjusting well, but missing his friends. I kind of know how he feels. I miss my friends too, and my mom and my sisters and...and...and. But I know that we are exactly where God wants us to be. We love the kid's and we hope we are helping them in some small way. We have a few boys that are at the movies tonight and I'm sitting here watching one jam on guitar hero. We did have 2 kid's get to go home today with family. I will miss them. They are good kids. It was sad to see them go but I am glad they are with their family. I asked them to pray hard and make good choices in their life. I asked them to go home and let their friends see that they met Jesus here! Please pray for them to make good choices and be strong to stand against Satan, because we all know that's easier said than done. Thank you for all your prayers. Our support group is awesome and we love you all for it. God bless each and every one of you. Now get back to your shopping. It's the last weekend before Christmas!

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