Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We survived another night with the little one's. I'm not sure how though. I'm just kidding. Last night was a little better than the night before and we are hoping tonight will go even better than last night. The boy's came home from school and did their home work and then they went to the gym for some recreational time. You know....get out some energy time!! :-)
When Gary and our activity director got to they gym they found out someone had broken in and stole some things. The mean people had pushed the air conditioner out of the window and broke the lock off of the door. They stole several of the kid's games and left cigarette ashes all over the floor. I just don't get it. Some people have no conscious. We have people coming here and volunteering their time to work and replace broken things, and then you have people coming in at night and tearing things apart. I pray these people will feel conviction and not be able to rest when they lay down every night, until they ask God for his mercy and forgiveness. They need some Jesus! After coming back from the gym the boy's went to the parade down town. Good thing: they had a really good time. Bad thing: someone tossed them a bag full of candy! Come on people what were you thinking??? They all came in the house running and screaming and bouncing off the walls. It's really quite funny if you think about a bunch of little boy's running around in circles screaming. It reminds me of that movie that Arnold Schwarzenegger played in where he opened a babysitting business in his home. Yep, that's my life this week. Ethan has not left our room in 2 nights. He said; Mom why do they scream sooo much!! Now that's funny if you think about it because he usually is the one who is hyper and running around in circles.
We had the boy's get their shower's and then told them it was bed time. They don't like bed time! We finally got every one in their rooms and the light's out and one starts screaming; "I want Sponge Bob!" O my goodness. He screamed and cried 10 minutes for SPONGE BOB!
I opened his door (the second time) and said Sponge Bob went to sleep and now it's your turn. Well, he eventually quit crying and screaming and went to sleep. Now I know my mom is reading this and laughing at my life right now. But seriously, it has been laughable. Although we have had some hyper moments and my hair is turning gray fast, the boy's are really sweet when they want to be. I read one a story last night before bed and he laughed all the way through the story. It was really nice to hear him laugh. It made me smile. I'm glad that we can give these children some laughter and are able to see them smile. God is good and he will deliver us in all we do to please him. Please pray for these children. God is counting on them for the future to help deliver his people.

                            PSALM 79:9

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh reading this. Can't believe Ethan's nerves are getting to him with all the kids. Thats the funny part. He's use to all the dishing and now he's having to watch others do what he normally does. That is tooooooo funny!
    Now the gray hair is another thing. I'm thinking Clairol!!!!!!
