Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Today is a new day. We will rejoice and be glad in it. We are so excited. We are going to see what the boys do at the boys ranch in Harrison. I can't wait to see their campus. New experience for us. Our family is doing well and we made it through the Christmas Season with the boys and no nervous breakdowns. We really enjoyed spending Christmas with the kids. I can't think of any other way I would have rather spent my Christmas. I hope you had a great Christmas with your family to. I hope you got something you really wanted but even more I hope you received a blessing from God this Christmas season. I enjoyed spending time with my mom and sister on Sunday. Both of my nephews stayed with us to hang out with the boys for a couple of days. We are taking them home on the way to Harrison today. My nephews had a great time and enjoyed playing guitars with all the other boys. The boys here really made them feel welcomed. That's the way these kids are. They are great kids with big hearts! Love these guys and love you. Praying that you all have a blessed day!

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