Thursday, December 23, 2010


 We had our family Christmas this morning. It was a blast! Maggie (our dog) got doggie cookies, clothes and toys. I know, sounds silly but shes one of our family members. Lyndsie got a toy Pomeranian, silverware for college, Elf and Eclipse movie and an IPhone. She was so excited about the phone. Ethan got a Xbox controller with games, DS games, toy cars and motorcycles and his favorite gift, a 4-wheeler. He so so excited. He said; Thank you for the 4-wheeler. I know you must have worked hard for it. We gave Ethan clues to find his big gift. We put an envelope on the tree that said he had to go to one of the cottages to find his next clue. After he found that one he had to go to the gym and then to the park for more clues. He eventually ended up at the garage with an envelope on the door that contained a key. He had to unlock the door to see what his gift was. It was so much fun. Finding all the clues to get to the gift was a blast! Lyndsie and me were freezing by the time we got to the gift though. We will spend Christmas morning with the Senior Boys and they will get to open their gifts. We are looking forward to that as well. I have posted some pictures of our family Christmas. You can go to the album to see them all. Hope you all have a beautiful Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Love you all!

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