Sunday, December 12, 2010


OK. I'm up and running again and have so much to talk about. We had a party yesterday that a very dear lady in Monticello gave the us. Please pray for her. She has had the loss of her husband and grandson this year but still was a warrior for Jesus and came to give these kids Christmas gifts. She bought them pizza, gave gifts and gave them some spending money. Just call her Ms. B and I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers. So guess what?? We had to take the boys shopping again and let them spend their money! They had fun and I suppose we did too. They love money but is seems to burn a hole in their pocket. Today Calvary Baptist came and gave them a pizza party and we hung out with their kids for a while. It was a lot of fun as well. This afternoon we took the boys back to town to let them finish spending their money. I think I have had enough Christmas shopping! The boys have been awesome though. They did spend some of their money on other people. Someone asked me about the girls today. I would like to say that the girls are doing great. They had a wonderful time at the parties and I know a few of them took their money and got their nails done. They looked really pretty. They are all doing well. Lots of smiles. We did get a new boy admitted to the program on Friday. He is really nice and seemed to have a good time at the parties as well. He gets along really well with the other boys and is really friendly and fun to talk to. I told him I thought he would love it here. He just smiled. Please pray for him and all the other kids here. Christmas is hard because most of them don't get to go home to spend it with their family. Please pray for me to. This will be the first year EVER that I will not get to spend Christmas with my family. I know it will be hard for me. Even though I will be with the boys I have grown to love, I will miss my mom and everyone else. God Bless you all and Merry Christmas!

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