Sunday, December 26, 2010

My mom and sister came to visit me today at the home. I took a picture of them on the sofa. Notice what the sun cast on the wall behind them? Maybe they should visit more often uh. :) I had a great visit with them. We went shopping with one of the boys that wanted to go and then we just hung out. The boys really enjoyed having them here and devoured about 60 cookies they brought. Look how beautiful my mom is. I really miss her and I was so glad  that I got to spend some time with her. (And you too Karen) Hope they get to come back soon. Gary and I are going to visit the Boys Ranch in Harrison, AR on Tuesday. We are going to spend the night there and just hang out with some of the boys and see what they do. I am really looking forward to meeting the boys and seeing how they do things. This is a great ministry and you get to meet so many great kids. I would love to visit every campus that a Baptist Home represents. I think it would be awesome! Helping God's children brings a blessing to your heart, even when it hurts. Gary preached at 2nd Baptist Church tonight and I really received a blessing from that as well. It is so nice being married to a man that is so in love with his God. Thank you Jesus for all of my many blessings and for all the trials that make me appreciate my blessings. God Bless you! I love each and every one of you.

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