Wednesday, December 15, 2010


 I received the most wonderful blessing today. When Gary and I moved to Monticello 3 months ago every time we went into town we would see this older man walking. (He's probably in his late 70's) Every time we go to town we see him walking down the road and we always wondered who he was and where he was going. We asked around a few times and was told by various people that he's been walking a long time. It's his only transportation. I would see him walking around the parking lot at Sonic picking up change off the ground and just wondered what his story was. Well, today Gary and I  was sitting at a local restaurant eating breakfast and I turned behind me (for some unknown reason) and there he was again, I seen the older gentlemen leaving the restaurant. I looked down at his feet and his shoe's were literally falling apart at the seams. I said; Gary, that man walks every where he goes and he has no shoe's to keep his feet warm. I wonder if he will let us buy him a pair of shoe's. We asked the waitress if she knew what his story was. The waitress said that he was very poor. She said he walks to the restaurant often and they feed him breakfast on the house. She said that he had been hit by a car recently trying to cross the street but was doing good. He had lost his wife to cancer about 2 years ago and he lives about 45 miles from Monticello but walks (or hitches a ride) to Monticello EVERYDAY!  My heart broke into a million pieces. Gary and I left the restaurant and drove down the street and stopped when we seen the man walking. Gary got out of the truck and said: My name is Gary and I would love to buy you a pair of shoe's for Christmas. The gentleman kindly accepted, after Gary let him know we just wanted to buy him a pair of shoes, then the gentleman got into our truck. While we were in the truck we asked him why he walked every where. He said he didn't have much money. He lived on social security and he didn't have much income from that. He said what I get just pays my bills and so I walk because that's what I can afford to do. We took him to the store and let him pick out his shoe's. He was so excited! He picked out one pair and then seen another that he liked. He said; I don't need to try them on. I know I wear a size 13 and these will fit. We said, Well please try them on and make sure they are comfortable to walk in. He took off his old shoe's and said; "I don't need these anymore, you can throw them away." He tried on his new shoes and of course they fit. He said; "See, I wear a size 13 and thats what these are. They feel good." He just smiled. It was such a sweet smile. His sock's were stained and dirty so we bought him a bag of sock's to go with his new shoes. He walked out of the store wearing his new shoes and socks. He said; " I have good days and bad days. I never know what kind of day I'm going to have until it's over. Today it looks like I'm going to have a good day." I felt the spirit of God just fill my heart with love for this man. We gave him some money for his pocket and he walked away with his new shoes and a sack holding his new socks. Before he left we asked him his name and if he was saved. He said; " I am saved. I know I'm going to heaven. My name is Mr. Carpenter."  My first thought was Jesus was a carpenter. :)  I am in no way bragging about what Gary and I did. We did it because we felt God asking us to do it and we felt love for this man. I just wanted to share this story with you. Gary and I experienced our own "Christmas shoe" story. And I am so thankful that God let us do this. I will remember the Shoes for Mr. Carpenter for the rest of my life. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU.....JESUS LOVES YOU!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet story and a inspiration to others.
