Sunday, January 9, 2011


Jesse is a guy in our college program. He has lived at ABC Homes for 7 years and now calls this his HOME.  He has been wanting to learn how to drive but not yet had anyone brave enough to let him use their car. Jesse got word a few weeks back that there was a man interested in donating a car to ABC Homes. Jesse was so excited and could not wait to see it. Today the car was delivered. It is awesome and Jesse loves it! A very nice man by the name of Adam Bergfeld brought the car. It's a older model Ford Mustang, V8 and 5-speed.  We will probably have a problem stopping Jesse now. Mr. Bergfeld said that when he was 15 years old his dad took his money he had been saving from mowing lawns, matched it and bought him the Mustang. It was his first car and he's had it ever since then. He said he knew about ABC Homes from his church and he thought this would be a good place to donate his car to. Mr. Bergfeld stayed for a couple of hours and taught Jesse how to drive a standard. That was kind of funny from my eyes view. The car would take off just a rockin. But before it was over Jesse had the car running very smoothly, thanks to Adam Bergfeld. Mr. Bergfeld not only donated his car but he donated his time. God works in amazing ways and God is definitely using Mr. Bergfeld for his glory. Jesse really enjoyed the time he spent with him and he really LOVES his car! Thank you Adam Bergfeld. Not just for your donation, but for the time you spent here with us. We appreciate what you did very much and I know Jesse especially..... will never forget you.
                                             The car arrives
Jesse likes it!
Jesse meets Adam
Jesse and Adam Bergfeld

                                 Even from this view it looks great!

I have keys!

                                       Time for Jesse to take the wheel

                                           Learning to back up
                                               Here they come

This is what it's all about

Brakes are a good thing :)

Thank you Mr. Bergfeld!

Adam even thought about  bringing the emergency kit
Ok. But I don't think I'm allowed to syphon gas, which Adam did say that he was a lot younger when he did it :)



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