Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today we started taking down Christmas tree's. It's amazing to me that the Christmas season is already gone. Decorating seems to be much more fun than taking everything down. My tooth is still hurting. The dentist said that there is no cavities but I may be needing a root canal soon. He's hoping he can post-pone it with some antibiotics. Just pray that it all gets better. We have a new couple coming to be relief house parent's for the little kids so keep this couple in your prayers. They will need it with that little bunch. :) They are good kids, just hyper and fast! lol I praise their full time house parent because she is a single lady who has done this by herself for ten years. She must have nerves of steel. She loves those little guys and they love her. We have gotten a couple of new kids recently added to our group so please be sure and pray for them. It's always a hard adjustment for them to be taken from their family and then put in a strange place. We try to make them feel at "home" as possible. Some of them adjust easier than others. Gary is going to grow a garden this year. He has been tilling away trying to get the ground ready. I can't wait to see how this one turns out. One of his chicken's turned in out to be a rooster so I wonder if he can make a watermelon turn in to a potato. lol  You never know with Gary. Lyndsie leaves to go back to college this weekend. I think she's ready. She seems to be getting a little bored. She's enjoying her new puppy she got for Christmas. Ethan is loving his 4-wheeler he got for Christmas. He has just about rode the tires off that thing. He seems to spend a lot of time to himself so please keep him in your prayers. I want to see him back to his normal self again. Whatever normal is. :) Gary took all the boys fishing at the pond Saturday. They caught several fish. They had a good time. I tried to get them to fry them up but they threw them back. Maybe next time. Well, just wanted to give you an update on everything. Hope you are all doing well. Love you all and God bless you!


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