Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We just got off duty with the big guys. We had a good time with them. We go to Little Rock on Thursday for a conference on abused children and how to deal with them. I am going to a Beth Moore Bible study in the morning at 1st Baptist and then I am headed to my moms. I am going to meet her at my favorite place to eat ( Hello Tamolly's ) and then we are going to have a bunking party at her house tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to that. The calling the friend thing for Ethan did not work. He said his friend can't come here so he didn't need to call him. I tried to get him to call him anyway, but he wouldn't. Maybe today. Try and try again, right. Eventually, things are going to get better. I believe in prayer and I trust my Lord and Savior. I hope you all have a great day today. Let NOTHING keep you from talking to Jesus today. He loves us so much and loves it when we call on him. Good thing he doesn't charge us to call on him because my phone bill lately would be outrageous. LOL  Love you guys. Have an awesome day with God!

                                      HEBREWS 13:5

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