Friday, January 7, 2011



I am praying really hard for God to change my heart. For God to give me the heart he desires for me. Our hearts very deceitful. When people tell you "just follow your heart", be careful. Your heart can take you to places that your head never would. Your heart will get you in a lot of trouble. I want a heart for God and only God. Not a jealous heart, a sad or hurting heart but a heart for God. I want to live for God and let him receive all the glory for the work he does through me. Please pray with me that God will change my heart and give me a heart of peace and a heart that is pleasing to him. I desire and yearn for a heart like God's. God bless you!

                             SEARCH ME, O GOD, AND KNOW MY HEART;
                            TEST ME AND KNOW MY ANXIOUS THOUGHTS.
                            SEE IF THERE IS ANY OFFENSIVE WAY IN ME,
                            AND LEAD ME IN THE WAY EVERLASTING.
                                                    PSALM 139 23-24

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