Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am back from my moms. We had so much fun together. We went shopping and just had some much needed girl time. I went to my sister's last night and my niece cooked us dinner. It was very good. We left there and went to our home church. I told my pastor I was going to quit coming there because every time I came he made me mad. Just kidding, but he does have a bad habit of stepping on my toes. LOL. We went to our meeting today. It was a conference on how to spot a child who has been abused. A lot of good information but very sad to hear how often it happens. After the meeting we went to see our dear friend who is in the hospital. We love you Ms. V. and pray you get better really soon! We came home this afternoon and went with the older guys to have dinner. It was really fun and we had a great time. They are so much fun to hang around. This ministry is hard...but well worth it. I am so honored that God has allowed me to be part of it. Please continue to pray for Lyndsie's friend Paige. She is doing good but she is going to have to have physical therapy on her knee. It's hard to take off so much time during your first year of college. It doesn't take much to get behind. God Bless you and I hope you have a great night.

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