Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Our new kid arrived yesterday and has blended in very well with the precious boys here. The boys were so welcoming and ready to show him everything. They fought over who would sit by him at the table. I have to admit that I have been struggling a little bit the past couple of weeks. My son has not been acting himself. He has become a little withdrawn and seems sad. Of course that breaks a mommy's heart. I told my husband; I just am not sure this is what God wants for our life. Why would he want my son to me miserable? Why would he want us to struggle so much? I want everything to be normal again. Of course I want a quick fix and not really thinking about what God has already worked out for me. I worked as a nurse for an Internal Medicine doctor for 4 years before I came into this ministry. In that 4 years I met many people. I was not only a nurse but became a counselor for people that  were losing their loved ones to cancer, going through divorce, drug addiction and for one person, a spouse that committed suicide in their home. I became close with a lot of my patients by just being an ear when they needed to come in and talk to someone. I still am good friends with several people I met while being a nurse at that clinic. God put a lot of people in my life while working in that clinic for me to help and for them to help me as well. Turns out one of those people that God put in my life to help, was the one I opened the door for to greet the little boy coming in yesterday. I was very surprised to see this person standing at the door with this little boy. God brought this person in my life a couple of years back for me to help with struggles and now he brings his son into my life. It's amazing how God works things out. The little boys dad said I am so glad to see you here. It makes me feel so much better about leaving my son. Just when I feel like God has left me to struggle, he brings people in my life to reassure me that I am in his will. Thank you God for helping me to realize how selfish I was being, and for allowing once again, to be the person you want me to be for the people you continue to bring into my life. Please continue to pray for us and the ministry. Love you guys and God bless you!

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