Thursday, January 20, 2011


               God's commandment...Love one another. I love you!

It is hard to love everyone all the time. You get upset with people sometimes and find it hard to even like them right? But God still commands us to love them. Remember the lady I was telling you about at Walgreen's that was not so nice? Well Gary and I had to go back in Walgreen's today and there she was. I thought, hummm I wonder if she will be in a better mood today. She wasn't. She was so mean! I wonder what is going on in her life that she is so miserable and can't see God's love. I was so mad about her being so rude again that it put me in a bad mood. I just couldn't believe they kept this lady employed there. Later when I got home I was reminded that God puts everyone in your life for a reason. So I set a goal.  My goal is to pray hard for her for one week and then go back in there and ask her if she knows my Jesus. Please pray with me for this lady and in one week I am going back in there to talk to her. With prayer and God behind us maybe I will be able to tell her about God's love. Please pray hard. Prayerfully I will stay strong even if she is not in the mood to hear it. Again God is taking me out of my comfort zone. But with God....all things are possible!

                    Mom, I found this and thought you might like it.


  1. I faltered on this one. I have not had time to get back to Walgreens to talk to this lady. I really want to do this but I need courage and lots of prayer. Please continue to pray for me so that when I go, she will be there and I can talk to her about my Jesus. Thank you and Love you!

  2. I went to Walgreens today. She was not there. :(
